The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted a huge number of industries across the country, and Atlantic City Casinos are no exception. Traffic is down, restaurants are closing, and table minimums during COVID are up significantly. Casinos have also needed to take steps to separate players and keep their staff safe. It’s just not a great time to be a gambler.

COVID Means a Lot of Changes
As a result of these changes, casinos are trying to squeeze as much revenue as they can from each player. This means that you’re likely to see increased table minimums across the board in Atlantic City, at least until the pandemic passes and we can return to some sense of normalcy.

Still, it’s not all bad. You can still gamble cheaply online in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. My wife and I do a “virtual” casino night every so often and play blackjack, slots, baccarat, or poker. That’s likely your safest play until a viable vaccine for the virus is released.
Table Minimums During COVID
Personally, I’m still not comfortable venturing inside a real casino until this all blows over, but I have been doing some fact finding as to what table minimums to expect while the virus still rages on. As a general rule, you should tack on $10-$15 to whatever normal minimums you see for Craps, Roulette, or Blackjack. I would also be sure to check on New Jersey’s restrictions for travel, as they’ll continue to change over the coming months as well, and often at short notice. Good luck out there!